New Destinations B2: words (11th form)
Module 1“Holidays”
Mandatory, wrecking, purchase, complimentary, to cater to, beverages, stunts, getaway, to conquer, to increase, to improve, to schedule (to plan), breathtaking, bungee jumping, paragliding, astronaut training, scuba diving, appealing, incentive program, valid, travel, trip, journey, tour, voyage, cruise, flight, excursion, expedition, caravan, suite, hotel hostel, resort, cabin, spectacular view, consume fuel, canoeing, spa, feature, hike, overnight, coral reef, rainforest, islet, fjord, volcano, pond, waterfall, lounge, temple, cathedral, mosque, monument, bellboy, challenging, all-inclusive, adrenaline-filled, explore, luxurious, natural wilderness, cheap, expensive, confined, open space, immersed in the language, to be exposed to, chat to an acquaintance, to be obliged, enroll, benefit, broaden the mind, bloom, temporary, require, investigate, pressure, tips (advice), nightmare, spoil, gorgeous landscape.
Module 2“Going places”
To stand out, to make up, to turn out, to indulge in, spout, evil, obstacle, coastal, harness, postpone, policy, schedule, absence, lack, shortage, loss, succeed, achieve, accomplish, manage, beach, shore, coast, humid, storm, spring, glacier, mist, downpour, blizzard, make a fuss, do a favour, make a request, dungeon, plague, spread, cause, scream, suitable, jittery (nervous), regret, a fast-paced city, settle, convince, resignation, add and subtract numbers, entrance fee, disappointing, although, to pay off, surrounding, adapt, definitely, splendid, homesick, glorious, remote, grateful, brilliant, overwhelming, picturesque, personal space, privacy, to split the bills, to get along with, arguments, nightlife, fresh air, unique, mountain chain, dormant, sparkling, elegant, therapeutic, browse, satisfying, delicious, to reject, sparsely, thrilling, to sympathise, helpful, to overhear, to discourage, to apologize, to announce, make up for the time (compensate), molten, spectacle, obstacle, capture, diversity, supplement, perch (settle), slope, steeply, drab (dull), sleet, embark  (get on a ship), embarkation, vessel, quaint (attractive), utterly (completely), appalling (terrible), unbeatable (perfect).

Dear students, parents, collegues!
 Let me cordially congratulate you on Knowledge Day!
Apparently, no one should argue that the September 1 is a truly national holiday of humanity, hope and faith. This is an exhilarating rush to new discoveries, beginning of radiant and challenging way to knowledge, scientific understanding and vision of the world. A person has to think in a creative way, try to know the unknown, make a goal and certainly achieve it. I wish you great inspiration towards conquering new heights of knowledge, persistence and patience, wisdom and discernment!